Set Yourself Up Now for Year-Round Success

It’s that time of year again! Package volume rises, and your blood pressure might, too. You’re probably aiming to get through the next few weeks before thinking ahead to next year. What if we told you next year’s success depends on assessing your driver team now?

Who’s on your A-Team? The driver standouts might surprise you - we encourage you to take a closer look at your team. It’s not always your most tenured drivers who bring the most determination, efficiency, safety, and resourcefulness to the table. 

Best practices often suggest cutting 10% of your lowest performers after peak season. Is that number right for you? It can depend on a few factors:

  • How efficient is your team?

  • How much turnover does your company generally experience?

  • Is it possible to trim down the number of routes required to service your territory?

Your goal with your post-peak team should be to identify your top performers - your A-Team - and retain them. 

Next, identify your B and C teams. How can you refine these teams and elevate their performance? What do your drivers need in order to succeed?

It’s important to remember that having staff does not necessarily mean you have the right staff. An inefficient employee can compel you to run an extra route in order to service your territory - which costs about $100,000 per route per year

However, there is a solution: consistent recruiting represents a small investment in your business with major time- and money-saving benefits. Working with a team like Bright Flag Recruiting allows you to outsource this critical responsibility to experts, saving you valuable time that you can instead allocate to the things that matter most to you and your business (and we all know time is money). Achieve peace of mind as well as optimal performance. 

Contact Bright Flag Recruiting today with questions about how to assess your driver team, recruit qualified driver candidates, and successfully staff your business with qualified candidates year-round. 


VoyageATL: Exploring Life & Business with Toni Tovi of Bright Flag Recruiting


Are you prepared for peak season?